Register with us

Our service is more than finding you your ideal job – our Job seeker Advice Centre will give you lots of help to make the right decisions about your future career, and of course our consultants are happy to advise and guide you .
If you are applying for one of the positions posted on this site, please state the job reference number and the position you are interested in when emailing your CV to us. If this is more of a general enquiry, then please tell us what type of work you are looking for and the relevant consultant will contact you.
We interview by appointment and you would need to bring the Original copy of the following documentation with you:
  • Passport photo ID
  • Two proofs of address issued in the last 3 months, which must have the same address
  • Proof of Work Rights (e.g., Visa)
  • Two work references or contact details of two referees from previous or current employers
  • One passport-size photograph
  • Enhanced DBS must be on the update service
  • Police Clearance Certificate where needed
  • Relevant qualifications and any training (e.g., First Aid)

We look forward to hearing from you.

Interview Tips

  1. First impressions count
    Greet your interviewer with a smile and firm handshake. Give eye contact. Try to make small talk during the walk from the reception area to the interview room. You have to sell yourself before you can sell anything else and the first 30 seconds are when the interviewer subconsciously makes decisions about whether they like you or not and whether you will fit into the team.
  2. Be prepared
    Re-read your CV and the job descriptions just before the interview. Do your research thoroughly. Look at the company web site or obtain literature. You may be asked about the salary you are after so make sure you research that as well.
  3. Don’t waffle
    Answer questions properly – even if you need a few moments’ silence to collect your thoughts. It’s better to say you need a minute to think about your answer rather than speak instantly and regret it afterwards.
  4. Why should they hire you
    Most job adverts will list qualities they’re looking for – a team worker, a good communicator – so it’s up to you to think of examples of how you can demonstrate these skills. Be ready to talk about your knowledge, experience, abilities and skills. Have at least three strong points about yourself that you can relate to the company and job on offer.
  5. Be positive
    Your interviewer will be thinking about what it would be like to work with you, so the last thing they’ll want to hear is you talking about your boss or current colleagues behind their back. Interviewers like to see someone who enjoys a challenge and is enthusiastic.
  6. Remember your body language
    It is not what you say, but how you say it. During the interview, do not fold your arms and lean back or look to the floor! Sit upright and try to maintain good eye contact. Use your hands and lean forward when making a point. Many people cannot think and control their body language at the same time, which is why you need to prepare.
  7. Expect the unexpected
    It is impossible to plan for every difficult question, such as “How would your colleagues describe you?” but try to appear relaxed and in control. Ask the interviewer to repeat the question if necessary but do not evade it.
  8. Develop rapport
    Show energy, a sense of humour and smile. Ask your interviewer questions about any issues the business is facing.
  9. Clarify anything you are unsure of
    If you are not certain what are meant by a particular question, ask for clarification. At the end, ask the interviewer if there is anything else he or she needs to know about. Do not be afraid to ask when you are likely to hear if you have been successful or not.
  10. Remember your manners
    It is better to choose than to be chosen. Tell the interviewer why you are interested in the company and job opportunity.